Floor stripping, scrubbing, waxing and polishing services
Floor stripping, scrubbing, waxing and polishing services
Certified Floor Care by Ménage-Experts: Preserve the Quality and Shine of Your Floors with Our Professional stripping scrubbing waxing and polishing services.
Our specialists will breathe new life into your floor covering with our stripping scrubbing waxing and polishing services.
Our team masters all floormaintenance techniques to enhance appearance and improve stain and water resistance.
The Ménage-Experts teamadapts to the reality of your business and offers you all-inclusive cleaning services.
Our experts will take care of your floor maintenance and your company’s cleaning
Impeccable and GUARANTEED stripping and waxing service
The Ménage-Experts team adapts to the reality of your business and offers you all-inclusive cleaning services. Our experts will take care of your floor maintenance and your company’s cleaning.
Perfect for all types of floors
The maintenance technique may vary depending on the type of floor